Unit 4 - Develop Export Market Plan
Objective of this Unit
The ultimate purpose of this entire set of tutorials is really to educate the potential exporter on how to create an Export Market Plan …and to adjust it according to changing circumstances. It makes sense, them, to study such a plan now. Every other Unit to follow will be contributing to it, one way or another. The point is: the better thought-out the plan, the higher the potential profit that the exporter can derive from the export transaction.
Unit 5 - Market Research
Objective of this Unit
Introduce the potential exporter to the concept of market research; what they should be looking for; where they should be looking for it (primary and secondary resources); and a systematic way to look for information (...see "Techniques, Identify and Select Best Markets").
Unit 6 - Cultural Factors, General
Objective of this Unit
General Introduction to the idea of "Cultural Factors" ..what is meant by the phrase; what to be sensitive about when dealing with people from other cultures. Prepares VN exporters to deal with potential customers in other countries.
Unit 7 - Cultural Factors, Business Specific
Objective of this Unit
Like the Unit before, this is an introduction but it is focusing on items that specifically apply to business situations. Like the Unit before it also prepares the VN exporter to deal with potential customers but in this case with special attention to business situations.
Unit 8 - Political and Economic Factors
Objective of this Unit
A very general introduction to the Political and Economic "Macro" factors that an exporter must be familiar with regarding the intended export market. When market research is conducted on a market of opportunity, the political and economic aspects must be taken into account; the detail of research depends on the value of the export and the proportion that amount it represents to total exports and overall sales. The smaller the proportion the less to be concerned about; the larger the proportion the more to be concerned about. Example: VN garment exports to the U.S. represents more than 50% of all exports. The U.S. has Anti-Dumping Regulations that could negatively impact that export ...which would seriously impact the industry overall. So, need to understand that regulation and the policy rationale behind it to learn how to deal with it.
Unit 9 - Legal Environment
Objective of this Unit
Potential exporters from VN need to understand than in markets like the United States there are many laws governing all aspects of trade and investment. This Unit is an introduction to the overall regulatory environment and also provides some definitions of important legal concepts that are often confused in the minds of the casual exporter. There must be great clarity regarding U.S. laws and regulations that may apply to a VN export.... or the products exported may be stopped at customs and returned or, even less desirable, put the exporter in legal jeopardy not just in the U.S. but in other countries as well that have trade treaties with the U.S.
Unit 10 - Legal Environment, Enforcement: Exporting to the U.S.
Objective of this Unit
A companion to the preceding Unit, this Unit goes into more detail regarding the mechanisms that are used to enforce regulations in most counties. Understanding what they are and how to comply with the regulations will make exporting much easier.