GTIM Registration
To have full access to all of the content residing in the GTIMNET Web Site you must first register. This will allow you to access:
"Need to Know” drop-downlistings, including the complete text and video tutorial --- with accompanying audio recording and transcript --- for all 21 Training Units
"Need to Do”drop-down listings, to include…
- Checklists: step by step guides on what to do in given situations
- Lists: identified resources or institutions that can directly assist with the topic at hand
- Web Resources: a carefully selected set of Websites that can offer immediate assistance
- Relevant Documents: documents from a number of open sources and institutions that present topics at the strategic level and are a useful complement to better understand the global business environment.
“Need Assistance”: assistance in applying what is learned to practical circumstances, of which there are three kinds…“GTIM Network Services”; “Professional Services”, and “SupportServices”.
- GTIM Network Services: assistance offered by the GTIMNetwork staff in areas such as:
Selecting the most promising markets of opportunity
Gathering information on the markets of opportunity at the sector level
Establishing commercial contacts
Identifying service providers
Becoming acquainted with private sector and government institutions
- Professional Services: referrals to select licensed and/or very experienced service providers such as accounting firms, banks, shipping agents, insurers, etc.
- Support Services: referrals to select complementary business services such as hotels, transportation, mailing services, etc.